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Home Bushcraft Kit / Reviews The Best Bushcraft / Survival Knife

The Best Bushcraft / Survival Knife

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We get asked the same question a lot: "What is the Best Bushcraft/Survivale Knife?"
We thought we would address this question with a quick video.
Comments (5)
5 Friday, 23 March 2012 13:33
J W Dulin
I agree with the video. There may be a knife that can do alot! but not all!
I carry a K-bar Heavy Bowie for splitting wood. The Mora 711 for just about all my other needs and a Ontario RAT 1 Folder just in case something goes wrong. Any of the three won't disappoint anyone in use or price! in my opinion. I would not want to have to depend on any single knife for my survival, would you?... you carry one band-aid in your 1st aid kit??? You carry a fire starter and no matches??? Be ready for the unexpected!
I could prolly just take the Mora 711 and get by with it.... but if it broke or got lost.... whats the best all round survival knife then if I don't have a knife??? Something to think about.
4 Monday, 19 March 2012 02:10
Hello All, I'm very new to the website/forum and thought I'd put in my 2 cents. I am American , so please bear with me if we have some verbal conundrums. I personally use a knife referred to as the Woodsman Pro from Blind Horse Knives. It's very basic but very usefull knife. Basics drop point blade design with a high sabre grind /convex edge. 5/32 inch thick, 4.5 blade length 5 inch handle with Green Micatra scales. Comes with a very nice leather pouch sheath with a snap flap and ferro rod loop. It has met my every need in the field and then some when called to duty. Perfect? not sure but darned close. I have also carried a basic Puuko for many years, unsure of the maker but very reliable. Thanks, Amazed
3 Wednesday, 08 June 2011 09:10
hi i was just wondering if anyone could tell me what the name of the 5th knife from the last one was? it was the matte black one. cheers.
2 Saturday, 30 October 2010 09:00
Ashley Cawley
Thanks for that Dave, I appreciate your input.
1 Saturday, 30 October 2010 05:36
dave Holder
Here I would carefully disagree, for bushcraft as mentioned in Mors Kochanskis Book Bushcraft there is a specific design of knife that would fit most bushcraft needs. The Mora knife comes very close to those outlines set by Mors but the "Skookum bushtool" made by "Rod Garcia" in Montana USA absolutely nails the overall design in Mors Kochanskis book. I have been there when Mors himself has declared the Skookum Bushtool the best Bush knife he has used. With my Skookum bushtool I have split wood, carved spoons, made snowshoes, cut down spruce trees up to wrist thick, made traps, carved feather sticks, made a bow and arrow set. Have dressed the following game with it - Squirrel, snow shoe hare, Muskrat, Beaver, Moose, Bear, Deer and Elk. Also used it to carve bone and prepare sinew and hides for brain tanning. Plus a ton of other Bushcraft skills!
In a nut shell it really is the perfect bush knife that even looks good. Of course I have used my Mora knife for all of the above tasks as mentioned above but it is not quite as robust as the Skookum Bushtool. Skookum is a Canadian term that means really good!
Mahikan signing off!

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Natural Bushcraft is a personal project aiming to provide a free bushcraft resource available to everyone.

Sharing Bushcraft Skills and Knowledge Freely regardless of age or status is important to me.

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'The True Spirit of Bushcraft'

Best wishes
Ashley Cawley.

UK Wild Food - Jan

Listed here are Wild Foods that should be available in parts of the UK in January.

Daisy leaf

Gorse flower
Greater Plantain
Ribwort Plantain
Buck's Horn Plantain (coastal)
Scurvy Grass
Sea beet
Sea Radish
Pennywort (particularly good at the moment)
Alexanders (very good at the moment)
Chirvil (be very careful , as Hemlock Water-Dropwort is starting to sprout now and looks very similar, but is deadly poisonous!)
Sea Purslane
Rock Samphire (still usable, but a bit over now, coastal)
Rose Hips
Common Sorrel
Ivy-Leaved Toadflax
Wood sorrel
Three-cornered leek

*These are just some of the wild edibles you will find in the UK this month.

The Hedge Combers


A beautiful blog by my friend Janie sharing tips on self-sufficiency, homemade recipes, growing fruit, veg & rearing animals for meat & eggs.

Woodland Valley

Woodland Valley an Organic Farm in the centre of Cornwall.
A Bushcraft Friendly Campsite with Ancient Woodland and Group Accommodation  available.

Another Bushcraft & Wilderness Skills website that I love, by a friend & superb Photographer Gary Waidson.

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