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Home Bushcraft Shelter DD Hammock Karabiner MOD - Rain-proof your hammock!

DD Hammock Karabiner MOD - Rain-proof your hammock!

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DD Hammock Karabiner MOD

A modification & improvement for your DD Hammock

Article by Chainsaw

Well finally got round to mod'ing my 2008 DD Hammock from Sandbags47s excellent group buy . My 2006 was already fitted out with karabiners but the 2008 was still waiting for the same treatment! I like krabs on a hammock to work as drip rings and during the day, if you unclip one end, reconnect it to the ridgeline at the other end, it give you loads more space under the tarp. I wanted to go from the one on the right to the one on the left:

One thing that wasn't done out of the box and is one of my pet hates is the heat-treating of the ends of the tape to prevent fraying, so out with the scissors and stove and after a little burning of fingers, job done;

I always have problems feeding 'things' through other 'things' and always have to resort to passing a really thin leader through first then following it with the real 'thing' In this case the existing tape was already there so it made it a lot easier. I had some tape left over from an extra batch I had bought when I got my 2006 model so I reused this. Some of the guys have used climbing tape which would be just as good, if not better, as it probably would stretch less. Anyways, a bit of insulating tape connected to the existing tape then just tease it through:

I like the loops really short and as a result my hammock is pretty much always bunched up, not had a problem with this but if it gets really wet it can take a bit of drying, you can try longer loops but I like my drip rings as close to the hammock as possible just in case any rain blows under the tarp. Knots were very simple and more than adequate for my 10 stone, OK, OK, 13 and a half!! These were single fishermans, I didn't use the double fishermens, I don't think it's needed but one night when I wake up with a thump, I may rethink this decision. Just make sure the tails a pretty long and give them a good cinch down.

Clip the Krab on and yer done!

Next thing may be the toggles/velcro mod to keep a sleepmat in between the bottom 2 layers but my new under-blanket may make this mod redundant!



Comments (13)
13 Tuesday, 21 October 2014 14:09

Thanks for the tip. Would any karabiners do or do I need to spend a bit of money and get the rock climbing ones?
12 Saturday, 22 June 2013 22:28
Ashley Cawley
Hi Scotspurs,

Yes this modification to the hammock using karabiners is designed to stop the rain wicking down your webbing in sustained downpours, it's not to stop it getting wet as you set it up in the rain. If you want to do that then I recommend you set your Tarp up first and then your hammock underneath its cover.
11 Saturday, 22 June 2013 14:28
Help! Where is the rain-proofing modification for the hammock mentioned in the title? Or did you mean to say that the karabiner mod means you won't get as wet putting you hammock up in a downpour? Thanks, Scott.
10 Thursday, 16 June 2011 21:39
D Claville
Hey i just got my DD Hammock today and set it up and did this mod thanks for posting how to do it
i will be testing it all weekend (they promis rain storm) :D

if any one ever have trouble with doing this double fishermans knot just go to they have all sorts of knots on there

9 Tuesday, 22 March 2011 00:48
Gilbert (
Received my Hammock. I also got 4 carabiners, to install 2 on each side. Problem is I have no idea what length has to be cut on the hammock side for the tying rope, and how to do the knot visible on your picture. I tried to learn how to do the fisherman using a small paracord but I still have no idea how.

On the hammock side, the tying rope. What length do you have ? If I cut too short I'll be in trouble. And once it is cut, how do you do that double knot thing we see in the pic exactly ?
8 Friday, 04 February 2011 20:33
Jimmy H
i did this too but i have used 4mm delta caving mayons as they are triangular they let the water drip off a treat. these are lighter smaller and cheaper than krabs . brilliant mod!!
7 Sunday, 29 August 2010 22:05
I added a metal ring (from key rings) to the last two loops on either end of the mozzy netting on my DD Travel Hammock 2008.

This makes it so much easier to fit a stick through when setting it up, it also saves a lot of wear and tear on the tie out loops
6 Monday, 23 August 2010 14:10
paul fox
5 Sunday, 07 February 2010 13:35
david jones
hi panther here just got my dd hammock and put your mod on it cant wait to try it out.
by the way while ime here where do i get the forms for the bridgend meet
4 Saturday, 06 February 2010 08:33
Simon Hill
good mod i works a treat
3 Monday, 04 January 2010 18:01
Marc Cox
Just got a DD Frontline Hammock... Will definitely use Krabs to sort out dripping issue.
2 Sunday, 03 January 2010 16:20
great mod done this on mine to
1 Wednesday, 08 July 2009 23:30
I am going to do this to my DD Hammock thanks for the info ;)

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Pennywort (particularly good at the moment)
Alexanders (very good at the moment)
Chirvil (be very careful , as Hemlock Water-Dropwort is starting to sprout now and looks very similar, but is deadly poisonous!)
Sea Purslane
Rock Samphire (still usable, but a bit over now, coastal)
Rose Hips
Common Sorrel
Ivy-Leaved Toadflax
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Three-cornered leek

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